Meaning of SPRING in English

n. Function: verb

1 to have something as a source FF1C; the primitive cultures from which civilization springs FF1E;

Synonyms: arise, birth, come (from), derive (from), emanate, flow, head, issue, originate, proceed, rise, stem, upspring; compare BEGIN 2

Related Words: appear, emerge, come out, loom; arrive, come; begin, commence, hatch, start


Synonyms: SKIP 1, hop, lope, skitter, trip


Synonyms: JUMP 1, bounce, bound, hop, hurdle, leap, lop, saltate, vault


Synonyms: START 1, bolt, jump, startle

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Synonyms: FREE , discharge, emancipate, liberate, loose, manumit, release, unbind, unchain, unshackle

Merriam Webster. Collegiate thesaurus English dictionary.      Английский энциклопедический толковый словарь тезауруса.