transcription, транскрипция: [ tʃæmpiən ]
( champions, championing, championed)
Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English.
A champion is someone who has won the first prize in a competition, contest, or fight.
...a former Olympic champion...
Kasparov became world champion.
...a champion boxer and skier.
N-COUNT : usu with supp
If you are a champion of a person, a cause, or a principle, you support or defend them.
He was once known as a champion of social reform.
N-COUNT : with supp , usu N of n
If you champion a person, a cause, or a principle, you support or defend them.
He passionately championed the poor...
The amendments had been championed by pro-democracy activists.
VERB : V n , V n