transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈtʃæmpjən ]
n., v., adj., & adv. --n. 1 (often attrib.) a person (esp. in a sport or game), an animal, plant, etc., that has defeated or surpassed all rivals in a competition etc. 2 a a person who fights or argues for a cause or on behalf of another person. b hist. a knight etc. who fought in single combat on behalf of a king etc. support the cause of, defend, argue in favour of. --adj. colloq. or dial. first-class, splendid. --adv. colloq. or dial. splendidly, well. øChampion of England (or King's or Queen's Champion) a hereditary official at coronations. [ME f. OF f. med.L campio -onis fighter f. L campus field]