transcription, транскрипция: [ gælənt ]
Also pronounced /gəlænt/ for meaning 3.
If someone is gallant , they behave bravely and honourably in a dangerous or difficult situation. ( OLD-FASHIONED )
The gallant soldiers lost their lives so that peace might reign again.
= brave
• gal‧lant‧ly
The town responded gallantly to the War.
= bravely
ADV : ADV with v
A gallant effort or fight is one in which someone tried very hard to do something difficult, although in the end they failed. ( WRITTEN )
He died at the age of 82, after a gallant fight against illness.
= valiant, brave
ADJ : ADJ n [ approval ]
If a man is gallant , he is kind, polite, and considerate towards women. ( OLD-FASHIONED )
Douglas was a complex man, thoughtful, gallant, and generous.
= courteous
• gal‧lant‧ly
He gallantly kissed Marie’s hand as we prepared to leave.
= courteously
ADV : ADV with v