Meaning of GALLANT in English


Pronunciation: ' ga-l ə nt (usu in sense 2); g ə - ' lant, g ə - ' länt (usu in sense 3)

Function: adjective

Etymology: Middle English galaunt, from Middle French galant, from present participle of galer to have a good time, from Old French, from gale pleasure, of Germanic origin; akin to Old English wela weal ― more at WEAL

Date: 15th century

1 : showy in dress or bearing : SMART

2 a : SPLENDID , STATELY <a gallant ship> b : SPIRITED , BRAVE < gallant efforts against the enemy> c : nobly chivalrous and often self-sacrificing

3 : courteously and elaborately attentive especially to ladies

synonyms see CIVIL

– gal · lant · ly adverb

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