transcription, транскрипция: [ sleɪt ]
( slates, slating, slated)
Slate is a dark grey rock that can be easily split into thin layers. Slate is often used for covering roofs.
... a stone-built cottage, with a traditional slate roof.
N-UNCOUNT : oft N n
A slate is one of the small flat pieces of slate that are used for covering roofs.
A slate is a list of candidates for an election, usually from the same party.
The leadership want to present a single slate of candidates to be approved in an open vote.
= list
N-COUNT : usu with supp
If something is slated to happen, it is planned to happen at a particular time or on a particular occasion. ( mainly AM )
Bromfield was slated to become U.S. Secretary of Agriculture...
Controversial energy measures are slated for Senate debate within days.
V-PASSIVE : be V-ed to-inf , be V-ed for n
If something is slated , it is criticized very severely. ( BRIT JOURNALISM )
Arnold Schwarzenegger’s new restaurant has been slated by a top food critic...
VERB : usu passive , be V-ed
If you start with a clean slate , you do not take account of previous mistakes or failures and make a fresh start.
The proposal is to pay everything you owe, so that you can start with a clean slate.
If you wipe the slate clean , you decide to forget previous mistakes, failures, or debts and to start again.
Why not wipe the slate clean and start all over again?
PHRASE : V inflects