Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English.
If something is ~, it is incorrect, untrue, or mistaken.
It was quite clear the President was being given ~ information by those around him...
You do not know whether what you’re told is true or ~...
His sister said he had deliberately given the hospital a ~ name and address.
? true
...a man who is ~ly accused of a crime.
= wrongly
ADV: ADV with v
You use ~ to describe objects which are artificial but which are intended to look like the real thing or to be used instead of the real thing.
...a set of ~ teeth...
= artificial
? real
ADJ: usu ADJ n
If you describe a person or their behaviour as ~, you are criticizing them for being insincere or for hiding their real feelings.
‘Thank you,’ she said with ~ enthusiasm...
? genuine
ADJ disapproval
He was ~ly jovial, with his booming, mirthless laugh...
‘This food is divine,’ they murmur, ~ly.
ADV: ADV adj, ADV after v