(~es, ~ing, ~ed)
To ~ means to make a sound like a long ‘s’.
The tires of Lenny’s bike ~ed over the wet pavement as he slowed down...
My cat ~ed when I stepped on its tail...
Caporelli made a small ~ing sound of irritation.
VERB: V prep, V, V-ing
Hiss is also a noun.
...the ~ of water running into the burnt pan...
...a silence broken only by a steady ~ing from above my head.
If you ~ something, you say it forcefully in a whisper.
‘Now, quiet,’ my mother ~ed...
‘Stay here,’ I ~ed at her.
VERB: V with quote, V at/to n with quote
If people ~ at someone such as a performer or a person making a speech, they express their disapproval or dislike of that person by making long loud ‘s’ sounds.
One had to listen hard to catch the words of the President’s speech as the delegates booed and ~ed...
Some local residents whistled and ~ed at them as they entered.
VERB: V, V at n, also V n
Hiss is also a noun.
After a moment the barracking began. First came ~es, then shouts.
= ~ing
N-COUNT: usu pl