Meaning of HISS in English

noun the noise made by a serpent.

2. hiss ·vt to utter with a hissing sound.

3. hiss ·noun the note of a goose when irritated.

4. hiss ·noun any sound resembling that above described.

5. hiss ·vt to condemn or express contempt for by hissing.

6. hiss ·noun the noise made by steam escaping through a narrow orifice, or by water falling on a hot stove.

7. hiss ·vi to make a similar noise by any means; to pass with a sibilant sound; as, the arrow hissed as it flew.

8. hiss ·noun a prolonged sound like that letter s, made by forcing out the breath between the tongue and teeth, ·esp. as a token of disapprobation or contempt.

9. hiss ·vi to make with the mouth a prolonged sound like that of the letter s, by driving the breath between the tongue and the teeth; to make with the mouth a sound like that made by a goose or a snake when angered; ·esp., to make such a sound as an expression of hatred, passion, or disapproval.

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