Meaning of HISS in English

hiss /hɪs/ BrE AmE verb

[ Date: 1300-1400 ; Origin: From the sound ]

1 . [intransitive and transitive] to say something in a loud whisper:

‘Get out!’ she hissed furiously.

hiss at

She hissed at me to be quiet.

2 . [intransitive] to make a noise which sounds like ‘ssss’:

The cat backed away, hissing.

Snakes only hiss when they are afraid.

3 . [intransitive and transitive] if a crowd hisses a speaker, they interrupt them with angry sounds to show that they do not like them ⇨ boo :

He was booed and hissed during a stormy meeting.

—hiss noun [countable] :

She heard a faint hiss as the metal struck the water.

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■ made by air or gas

▪ hiss a continuous high sound when air or gas comes out of something:

There was a hiss of steam from the coffee machine.


Workers reported hearing a loud hiss moments before the explosion.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.