Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English.
A ~ is a man who is the most important member of the royal family of his country, and who is considered to be the Head of State of that country.
...the ~ and queen of Spain...
In 1154, Henry II became King of England.
N-TITLE; N-COUNT: oft the N of n
If you describe a man as the ~ of something, you mean that he is the most important person doing that thing or he is the best at doing it.
He’s the ~ of unlicensed boxing...
N-COUNT: the N of n
A ~ is a playing card with a picture of a ~ on it.
...the ~ of diamonds.
N-COUNT: oft N of n
In chess, the ~ is the most important piece. When you are in a position to capture your opponent’s ~, you win the game.