(~s, ~ging, ~ged)
If someone ~s you, they keep asking you to do something you have not done yet or do not want to do.
The more Sarah ~ged her, the more stubborn Cissie became...
My girlfriend ~ged me to cut my hair...
She had stopped ~ging him about never being home.
...children ~ging their parents into buying things.
VERB: V n, V n to-inf, V n about n, V n into -ing, also V disapproval
A ~ is someone who ~s.
Aunt Molly is a ~ about regular meals.
Her endless ~ging drove him away from home.
If something such as a doubt or worry ~s at you, or ~s you, it keeps worrying you.
He could be wrong about her. The feeling ~ged at him.
...the anxiety that had ~ged Amy all through lunch...
Something was ~ging in the back of his mind.
= niggle
VERB: V at n, V n, V