Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English.
Politics are the actions or activities concerned with achieving and using power in a country or society. The verb that follows ~ may be either singular or plural.
The key question in British ~ was how long the prime minister could survive...
The film takes no position on the ~ of Northern Ireland...
Politics is by no means the only arena in which women are excelling.
see also party ~
Your ~ are your beliefs about how a country ought to be governed.
My ~ are well to the left of centre.
N-PLURAL: usu with poss
Politics is the study of the ways in which countries are governed.
He began studying ~ and medieval history.
...young ~ graduates.
Politics can be used to talk about the ways that power is shared in an organization and the ways it is affected by personal relationships between people who work together. The verb that follows ~ may be either singular or plural.
You need to understand how office ~ influence the working environment.