1. activities and ideas relating to the government of a country or area
2. someone who works in politics
3. different types of political opinions and parties
having extreme political opinions : ↑ EXTREME
having moderate political opinions : ↑ MODERATE
see also
1. activities and ideas relating to the government of a country or area
▷ politics /ˈpɒlɪtɪks, ˈpɒlətɪksǁˈpɑː-/ [uncountable noun]
▪ Maria is very interested in politics and current affairs.
be in politics/be involved in politics
▪ She’s been in politics for over twenty years.
go into politics/enter politics
begin to work or be active in politics
▪ He made the decision to go into politics last year.
British/French/American etc politics
▪ The University runs a course in American politics and government.
party politics
politics involving official political organizations that compete against each other in order to gain power
▪ Most of the people questioned thought that unions should not get involved in party politics.
local politics
politics in one part of a country
▪ Thomson has always been deeply involved in local politics.
the world of politics
▪ an important figure in the world of politics
▷ political /pəˈlɪtɪk ə l/ [adjective usually before noun]
connected with the government of a country or local area :
▪ The people are demanding political change.
▪ She began her political career as a city councillor.
▪ He asked me to explain the British political system.
political party
an organization with particular opinions that tries to gain power in a country
▪ There are two main political parties in the US.
political animal
someone who enjoys being involved in politics
▪ McEnroe loves the atmosphere at Westminster - he’s a real political animal.
2. someone who works in politics
▷ politician /ˌpɒlɪˈtɪʃ ə n, ˌpɒləˈtɪʃ ə nǁˌpɑː-/ [countable noun]
someone who works in politics, especially a member of parliament :
▪ Hargreaves is a clever and ambitious politician.
▪ the wife of a leading British politician
left-wing/right-wing politician
▪ Many right-wing politicians opposed the treaty.
▷ statesman/stateswoman /ˈsteɪtsmən, ˈsteɪtsˌwʊmən/ [countable noun]
an important and very experienced politician who is admired and respected both in their own country and in other countries :
▪ European statesmen are meeting in Paris today to discuss the crisis in the Middle East.
▪ She is now one of America’s leading stateswomen.
▷ MP/member of parliament /ˌem ˈpiː, ˌmembər əv ˈpɑːʳləmənt/ [countable noun]
someone who has been elected to a parliament, especially in Britain or in a country that has a similar system of government, such as India, Australia, or South Africa :
▪ There are still very few women members of parliament.
▪ The conference will open with a speech by Barbara Morland, MP.
Labour/Conservative/Liberal MP (for)
▪ the Labour MP for Birmingham South
▷ congressman/congresswoman /ˈkɒŋgrɪsmən, ˈkɒŋgrəsmənǁˈkɑːŋ-, ˈkɒŋgrə̇sˌwʊmənǁˈkɑːŋ-/ [countable noun]
someone who is a member of the US Congress, especially of the House of Representatives :
▪ Many congressmen are keen to promote research into renewable energy sources.
▪ The proposals were first put forward by Congresswoman Eleanor Baines.
congressman/congresswoman from
▪ The Congressman from Iowa spoke for three hours.
▷ senator /ˈsenətəʳ/ [countable noun]
a member of the US Senate or a similar institution :
▪ The President met with a group of senators and congressmen to discuss energy policy.
▪ The debate was opened by Senator Robinson.
senator from
▪ The Democratic Senator from New York held a press conference yesterday.
▷ spin doctor /ˈspɪn ˌdɒktəʳǁ-ˌdɑːk-/ [countable noun]
someone who is used by a political party to influence people’s opinions by cleverly controlling what is reported in the news :
▪ The party spin doctors would like us to believe that the government is committed to improving the environment.
3. different types of political opinions and parties
▷ right-wing /ˌraɪt ˈwɪŋ◂/ [adjective]
supporting the political aims of groups that strongly support conservative ideas and the capitalist economic system :
▪ He is known for his extreme right-wing views.
▪ a right-wing conservative MP
right-winger [countable noun]
▪ The policy is supported by right-wingers within the party.
▷ left-wing /ˌleft ˈwɪŋ◂/ [adjective]
supporting the political aims of groups such as Socialists and Communists :
▪ A lot of colleagues were put off by her left-wing opinions.
▪ a left-wing politician
left-winger [countable noun]
▪ He is popular with left-wingers in the party.
▷ the left also the Left /ðə ˈleft/ [singular noun]
political parties such as the Socialists and Communists :
▪ The new law has been severely criticized by politicians on the left.
▷ the right also the Right /ðə ˈraɪt/ [singular noun]
political parties which strongly support conservative ideas and the capitalist economic system :
▪ Politicians on the right have welcomed these new proposals.
▷ the centre British /the center American /ðə ˈsentəʳ/ [singular noun]
a middle position in politics which does not support extreme ideas :
▪ The party seems to be becoming less radical, and drifting more towards the centre.