(~es, ~ing, ~ed)
If one player or team ~es another in a game or contest, they defeat them easily or by a large score. (INFORMAL)
Second-placed Rangers ~ed St Johnstone 5-nil.
= hammer
VERB: V n amount, also V n
If you ~ someone, you hit them several times as a punishment.
‘Liar!’ Sarah screamed, as she ~ed the child. ‘You stole it.’
If someone ~es about, or ~es their arms or legs about, they move in a wild or violent way, often hitting against something. You can also say that someone’s arms or legs ~ about.
Many of the crew died a terrible death as they ~ed about in shark-infested waters...
Jimmy collapsed on the floor, ~ing his legs about like an injured racehorse.
VERB: V adv/prep, V n adv/prep
If a person or thing ~es something, or ~es at something, they hit it continually in a violent or noisy way.
...a magnificent paddle-steamer on the mighty Mississippi, her huge wheel ~ing the muddy water...
Three shaggy-haired men ~ tunelessly at their guitars.
VERB: V n, V at n
see also ~ing