/thrash/ , v.t.
1. to beat soundly in punishment; flog.
2. to defeat thoroughly: The home team thrashed the visitors.
3. Naut. to force (a close-hauled sailing ship under heavy canvas) against a strong wind or sea.
4. thresh.
5. to toss, or plunge about.
6. Naut. to make way against the wind, tide, etc.; beat.
7. thresh.
8. thrash out or over , to talk over thoroughly and vigorously in order to reach a decision, conclusion, or understanding; discuss exhaustively.
9. an act or instance of thrashing; beating; blow.
10. thresh.
11. Swimming. the upward and downward movement of the legs, as in the crawl.
12. Brit. Slang. a party, usually with drinks.
[ bef. 900; ME thrasshen, var. of thresshen to THRESH ]
Syn. 1. maul, drub. See beat .