n. & v.
n. 1 a prolonged fight between large organized armed forces. 2 a contest; a prolonged or difficult struggle (life is a constant battle; a battle of wits).
v. 1 intr. struggle; fight persistently (battled against the elements; battled for women's rights). 2 tr. fight (one's way etc.). 3 tr. US engage in battle with. battle-cruiser hist. a heavy-gunned ship faster and more lightly armoured than a battleship. battle-cry a cry or slogan of participants in a battle or contest. battle fatigue = combat fatigue. battle royal 1 a battle in which several combatants or all available forces engage; a free fight. 2 a heated argument. half the battle the key to the success of an undertaking. battler n.
[ ME f. OF bataille ult. f. LL battualia gladiatorial exercises f. L battuere beat ]