[bat.tle] n, often attrib [ME batel, fr. OF bataille battle, fortifying tower, battalion, fr. LL battalia combat, alter. of battualia fencing exercises, fr. L battuere to beat] (13c) 1 archaic: battalion
2: a combat between two persons
3: a general encounter between armies, ships of war, or aircraft
4: an extended contest, struggle, or controversy
[2]battle vb bat.tled ; bat.tling vi (14c) 1: to engage in battle: fight
2: to contend with full strength, vigor, skill, or resources: struggle ~ vt 1: to fight against
2: to force (as one's way) by battling -- bat.tler n [3]battle vt bat.tled ; bat.tling [ME batailen, fr. MF bataillier to fortify, fr. OF, fr. bataille] (14c) archaic: to fortify with battlements