Meaning of BLOT in English

n. & v.

n. 1 a spot or stain of ink etc. 2 a moral defect in an otherwise good character; a disgraceful act or quality. 3 any disfigurement or blemish.

v. (blotted, blotting) 1 a tr. spot or stain with ink; smudge. b intr. (of a pen, ink, etc.) make blots. 2 tr. a use blotting-paper or other absorbent material to absorb excess ink. b (of blotting-paper etc.) soak up (esp. ink). 3 tr. disgrace (blotted his reputation). blot one's copybook damage one's reputation. blot on the escutcheon a disgrace to the family name. blot out 1 a obliterate (writing). b obscure (a view, sound, etc.). 2 obliterate (from the memory) as too painful. 3 destroy. blotting-paper unglazed absorbent paper used for soaking up excess ink.

[ ME prob. f. Scand.: cf. Icel. blettr spot, stain ]

Concise Oxford English dictionary.      Краткий оксфордский словарь английского языка.