n. & v.
n. 1 a a thing that ties another down or together. b (usu. in pl.) a thing restraining bodily freedom (broke his bonds). 2 (often in pl.) a a uniting force (sisterly bond). b a restraint; a responsibility (bonds of duty). 3 a binding engagement; an agreement (his word is his bond). 4 Commerce a certificate issued by a government or a public company promising to repay borrowed money at a fixed rate of interest at a specified time; a debenture. 5 adhesiveness. 6 Law a deed by which a person is bound to make payment to another. 7 Chem. linkage between atoms in a molecule or a solid. 8 Building the laying of bricks in one of various patterns in a wall in order to ensure strength (English bond; Flemish bond).
v. 1 tr. a lay (bricks) overlapping. b bind together (resin with fibres, etc.). 2 intr. adhere; hold together. 3 tr. connect with a bond. 4 tr. place (goods) in bond. 5 intr. become emotionally attached. bond paper high-quality writing-paper. bond-washing dividend-stripping. in bond (of goods) stored in a bonded warehouse until the importer pays the duty owing (see BONDED).
[ ME var. of BAND(1) ]