n. & v.
n. 1 a a wooden or hard rubber ball, slightly asymmetrical so that it runs on a curved course, used in the game of bowls. b a wooden ball or disc used in playing skittles. c a large ball with indents for gripping, used in tenpin bowling. 2 (in pl.; usu. treated as sing.) a a game played with bowls (sense 1a) on grass. b tenpin bowling. c skittles. 3 a spell or turn of bowling in cricket.
v. 1 a tr. roll (a ball, a hoop, etc.) along the ground. b intr. play bowls or skittles. 2 tr. (also absol.) Cricket etc. a deliver (a ball, an over, etc.) (bowled six overs; bowled well). b (often foll. by out) dismiss (a batsman) by knocking down the wicket with a ball (soon bowled him out). c (often foll. by down) knock (a wicket) over. 3 intr. (often foll. by along) go along rapidly by revolving, esp. on wheels (the cart bowled along the road). bowl out Cricket dismiss (a batsman or a side). bowl over 1 knock down. 2 colloq. a impress greatly. b overwhelm (bowled over by her energy).
[ ME & F boule f. L bulla bubble ]