n. & v.
n. 1 an upholstered piece of furniture for several people; a sofa. 2 a long padded seat with a headrest at one end, esp. one on which a psychiatrist's or doctor's patient reclines during examination.
v. 1 tr. (foll. by in) express in words of a specified kind (couched in simple language). 2 tr. lay on or as on a couch. 3 intr. a (of an animal) lie, esp. in its lair. b lie in ambush. 4 tr. lower (a spear etc.) to the position for attack. 5 tr. Med. treat (a cataract) by displacing the lens of the eye. couch potato US sl. a young person who likes lazing at home.
[ ME f. OF couche, coucher f. L collocare (as COM-, locare place) ]