Meaning of DELICATE in English

adj. 1 a fine in texture or structure; soft, slender, or slight. b of exquisite quality or workmanship. c (of colour) subtle or subdued; not bright. d subtle, hard to appreciate. 2 (of a person) easily injured; susceptible to illness. 3 a requiring careful handling; tricky (a delicate situation). b (of an instrument) highly sensitive. 4 deft (a delicate touch). 5 (of a person) avoiding the immodest or offensive. 6 (esp. of actions) considerate. 7 (of food) dainty; suitable for an invalid. in a delicate condition archaic pregnant. delicately adv. delicateness n.

[ ME f. OF delicat or L delicatus, of unkn. orig. ]

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