v.tr. 1 leave uncovered or unprotected, esp. from the weather. 2 (foll. by to) cause to be liable to or in danger of (was exposed to great danger). 3 (as exposed adj.) a (foll. by to) open to; unprotected from (exposed to the east). b vulnerable, risky. 4 Photog. subject (a film) to light, esp. by operation of a camera. 5 reveal the identity or fact of (esp. a person or thing disapproved of or guilty of crime etc.). 6 disclose; make public. 7 exhibit, display. 8 put up for sale. expose oneself display one's body, esp. the genitals, publicly and indecently. exposer n.
[ ME f. OF exposer after L exponere: see EXPONENT, POSE(1) ]