— exposable , adj. — exposability , n. — exposer , n.
/ik spohz"/ , v.t., exposed, exposing .
1. to lay open to danger, attack, harm, etc.: to expose soldiers to gunfire; to expose one's character to attack.
2. to lay open to something specified: to expose oneself to the influence of bad companions.
3. to uncover or bare to the air, cold, etc.: to expose one's head to the rain.
4. to present to view; exhibit; display: The storekeeper exposed his wares.
5. to make known, disclose, or reveal (intentions, secrets, etc.).
6. to reveal or unmask (a crime, fraud, impostor, etc.): to expose a swindler.
7. to hold up to public reprehension or ridicule (fault, folly, a foolish act or person, etc.).
8. to desert in an unsheltered or open place; abandon, as a child.
9. to subject, as to the action of something: to expose a photographic plate to light.
10. expose oneself , to exhibit one's body, esp. one's genitals, publicly in an immodest or exhibitionistic manner.
[ 1425-75; late ME exposen exposer, equiv. to ex- EX- 1 + poser to put (see POSE 1 ), rendering L exponere to put out, expose, set forth in words; see EXPOUND ]
Syn. 1. subject, endanger, imperil, jeopardize. 5. uncover, unveil, betray.
Ant. 2. protect, shield. 5. conceal, hide, cover up.