prep. & conj.
prep. 1 in the interest or to the benefit of; intended to go to (these flowers are for you; wish to see it for myself; did it all for my country; silly for you to go). 2 in defence, support, or favour of (fight for one's rights). 3 suitable or appropriate to (a dance for beginners; not for me to say). 4 in respect of or with reference to; regarding; so far as concerns (usual for ties to be worn; don't care for him at all; ready for bed; MP for Lincoln). 5 representing or in place of (here for my uncle). 6 in exchange against (swopped it for a bigger one). 7 a as the price of (give me $5 for it). b at the price of (bought it for $5). c to the amount of (a bill for $100; all out for 45). 8 as the penalty of (fined them heavily for it). 9 in requital of (that's for upsetting my sister). 10 as a reward for (here's $5 for your trouble). 11 a with a view to; in the hope or quest of; in order to get (go for a walk; run for a doctor; did it for the money). b on account of (could not speak for laughing). 12 corresponding to (word for word). 13 to reach; in the direction of; towards (left for Rome; ran for the end of the road). 14 conducive or conducively to; in order to achieve (take the pills for a sound night's sleep). 15 so as to start promptly at (the meeting is at seven-thirty for eight). 16 through or over (a distance or period); during (walked for miles; sang for two hours). 17 in the character of; as being (for the last time; know it for a lie; I for one refuse). 18 because of; on account of (could not see for tears). 19 in spite of; notwithstanding (for all we know; for all your fine words). 20 considering or making due allowance in respect of (good for a beginner). 21 in order to be (gone for a soldier).
conj. because, since, seeing that. be for it Brit. colloq. be in imminent danger of punishment or other trouble. for ever see EVER; (cf. FOREVER). o (or oh) for I wish I had.
[ OE, prob. a reduction of Gmc fora (unrecorded) BEFORE (of place and time) ]