Meaning of GRIP in English

v. & n.

v. (gripped, gripping) 1 a tr. grasp tightly; take a firm hold of. b intr. take a firm hold, esp. by friction. 2 tr. (of a feeling or emotion) deeply affect (a person) (was gripped by fear). 3 tr. compel the attention or interest of (a gripping story).

n. 1 a a firm hold; a tight grasp or clasp. b a manner of grasping or holding. 2 the power of holding attention. 3 a mental or intellectual understanding or mastery. b effective control of a situation or one's behaviour etc. (lose one's grip). 4 a a part of a machine that grips or holds something. b a part or attachment by which a tool, implement, weapon, etc., is held in the hand. 5 = HAIRGRIP. 6 a travelling bag. 7 an assistant in a theatre, film studio, etc. 8 Austral. sl. a job or occupation. come (or get) to grips with approach purposefully; begin to deal with. in the grip of dominated or affected by (esp. an adverse circumstance or unpleasant sensation). gripper n. grippingly adv.

[ OE gripe, gripa handful (as GRIPE) ]

Concise Oxford English dictionary.      Краткий оксфордский словарь английского языка.