n. & v.
n. 1 a contest or game of skill etc. in which persons or teams compete against each other. 2 a a person able to contend with another as an equal (meet one's match; be more than a match for). b a person equal to another in some quality (we shall never see his match). c a person or thing exactly like or corresponding to another. 3 a marriage. 4 a person viewed in regard to his or her eligibility for marriage, esp. as to rank or fortune (an excellent match).
v. 1 a tr. be equal to or harmonious with; correspond to in some essential respect (the curtains match the wallpaper). b intr. (often foll. by with) correspond; harmonize (his socks do not match; does the ribbon match with your hat?). 2 tr. (foll. by against, with) place (a person etc.) in conflict, contest, or competition with (another). 3 tr. find material etc. that matches (another) (can you match this silk?). 4 tr. find a person or thing suitable for another (matching unemployed workers with vacant posts). 5 tr. prove to be a match for. 6 tr. Electronics produce or have an adjustment of (circuits) such that maximum power is transmitted between them. 7 tr. (usu. foll. by with) archaic join (a person) with another in marriage. make a match bring about a marriage. match play Golf play in which the score is reckoned by counting the holes won by each side (cf. stroke play). match point 1 Tennis etc. a the state of a game when one side needs only one more point to win the match. b this point. 2 Bridge a unit of scoring in matches and tournaments. to match corresponding in some essential respect with what has been mentioned (yellow dress with gloves to match). well-matched fit to contend with each other, live together, etc., on equal terms. matchable adj.
[ OE gemcca mate, companion, f. Gmc ]