n. & v. (US mold)
n. 1 a hollow container into which molten metal etc. is poured or soft material is pressed to harden into a required shape. 2 a a metal or earthenware vessel used to give shape to puddings etc. b a pudding etc. made in this way. 3 a form or shape, esp. of an animal body. 4 Archit. a moulding or group of mouldings. 5 a frame or template for producing mouldings. 6 character or disposition (in heroic mould).
v.tr. 1 make (an object) in a required shape or from certain ingredients (was moulded out of clay). 2 give a shape to. 3 influence the formation or development of (consultation helps to mould policies). 4 (esp. of clothing) fit closely to (the gloves moulded his hands). mouldable adj. moulder n.
[ ME mold(e), app. f. OF modle f. L modulus: see MODULUS ]