n. & v.
n. 1 a a formulated and esp. detailed method by which a thing is to be done; a design or scheme. b an intention or proposed proceeding (my plan was to distract them; plan of campaign). 2 a drawing or diagram made by projection on a horizontal plane, esp. showing a building or one floor of a building (cf. ELEVATION). 3 a large-scale detailed map of a town or district. 4 a a table etc. indicating times, places, etc. of intended proceedings. b a scheme or arrangement (prepared the seating plan). 5 an imaginary plane perpendicular to the line of vision and containing the objects shown in a picture.
v. (planned, planning) 1 tr. (often foll. by that + clause or to + infin.) arrange (a procedure etc.) beforehand; form a plan (planned to catch the evening ferry). 2 tr. a design (a building, new town, etc.). b make a plan of (an existing building, an area, etc.). 3 tr. (as planned adj.) in accordance with a plan (his planned arrival; planned parenthood). 4 intr. make plans. planning permission Brit. formal permission for building development etc., esp. from a local authority. plan on colloq. aim at doing; intend. planning n.
[ F f. earlier plant, f. It. pianta plan of building: cf. PLANT ]