Pronunciation: ' plan
Function: noun
Etymology: French, plane, foundation, ground plan; partly from Latin planum level ground, from neuter of planus level; partly from French planter to plant, fix in place, from Late Latin plantare ― more at FLOOR , PLANT
Date: 1706
1 : a drawing or diagram drawn on a plane: as a : a top or horizontal view of an object b : a large-scale map of a small area
2 a : a method for achieving an end b : an often customary method of doing something : PROCEDURE c : a detailed formulation of a program of action d : GOAL , AIM
3 : an orderly arrangement of parts of an overall design or objective
4 : a detailed program (as for payment or the provision of some service) <pension plan >
– plan · less \ -l ə s \ adjective
– plan · less · ly adverb
– plan · less · ness noun
synonyms PLAN , DESIGN , PLOT , SCHEME , PROJECT mean a method devised for making or doing something or achieving an end. PLAN always implies mental formulation and sometimes graphic representation < plans for a house>. DESIGN often suggests a particular pattern and some degree of achieved order or harmony <a design for a new dress>. PLOT implies a laying out in clearly distinguished sections with attention to their relations and proportions <the plot of the play>. SCHEME stresses calculation of the end in view and may apply to a plan motivated by craftiness and self-interest <a scheme to defraud the government>. PROJECT often stresses imaginative scope and vision <a project to develop the waterfront>.