v. & n.
v.tr. 1 bring forward for consideration, inspection, or use (will produce evidence). 2 manufacture (goods) from raw materials etc. 3 bear or yield (offspring, fruit, a harvest, etc.). 4 bring into existence. 5 cause or bring about (a reaction, sensation, etc.). 6 Geom. extend or continue (a line). 7 a bring (a play, performer, book, etc.) before the public. b supervise the production of (a film, broadcast, etc.).
n. 1 a what is produced, esp. agricultural and natural products collectively (dairy produce). b an amount of this. 2 (often foll. by of) a result (of labour, efforts, etc.). 3 a yield, esp. in the assay of ore. producible adj. producibility n.
[ ME f. L producere (as PRO-(1), ducere duct- lead) ]