[pro.duce] vb pro.duced ; pro.duc.ing [ME (Sc), fr. L producere, fr. pro- forward + ducere to lead--more at tow] vt (15c) 1: to offer to view or notice
2: to give birth or rise to: yield
3: to extend in length, area, or volume "~ a side of a triangle"
4: to present to the public on the stage or screen or over radio or television
5. a: to cause to have existence or to happen: bring about b: to give being, form, or shape to: make; esp: manufacture
6: to compose, create, or bring out by intellectual or physical effort 7: to cause to accrue ~ vi: to bear, make, or yield something -- pro.duc.ible adj
[2]pro.duce n (1695) 1 a: something produced b: the amount produced: yield
2: agricultural products and esp. fresh fruits and vegetables as distinguished from grain and other staple crops
3: the progeny usu. of a female animal