Pronunciation: pr ə - ' düs, pr ō -, - ' dyüs
Function: verb
Inflected Form: pro · duced ; pro · duc · ing
Etymology: Middle English (Sc), from Latin producere, from pro- forward + ducere to lead ― more at TOW
Date: 15th century
transitive verb
1 : to offer to view or notice
2 : to give birth or rise to : YIELD
3 : to extend in length, area, or volume < produce a side of a triangle>
4 : to make available for public exhibition or dissemination: as a : to provide funding for <search for backers to produce the film> b : to oversee the making of <will produce their new album>
5 a : to cause to have existence or to happen : BRING ABOUT b : to give being, form, or shape to : MAKE especially : MANUFACTURE
6 : to compose, create, or bring out by intellectual or physical effort
7 : to cause to accrue
intransitive verb : to bear, make, or yield something
– pro · duc · ible \ - ' dü-s ə -b ə l, - ' dyü- \ adjective