v. (-ies, -ied) 1 tr. make competent or fit for a position or purpose. 2 tr. make legally entitled. 3 intr. (foll. by for) (of a person) satisfy the conditions or requirements (for a position, award, competition, etc.). 4 tr. add reservations to; modify or make less absolute (a statement or assertion). 5 tr. Gram. (of a word, esp. an adjective) attribute a quality to another word, esp. a noun. 6 tr. moderate, mitigate; make less severe or extreme. 7 tr. alter the strength or flavour of. 8 tr. (foll. by as) attribute a specified quality to, describe as (the idea was qualified as absurd). 9 tr. (as qualifying adj.) serving to determine those that qualify (qualifying examination). qualifiable adj. qualifier n.
[ F qualifier f. med.L qualificare f. L qualis such as ]