adj. 1 a (often foll. by to) exclusively dedicated or appropriated (to a god or to some religious purpose). b made holy by religious association. c connected with religion; used for a religious purpose (sacred music). 2 a safeguarded or required by religion, reverence, or tradition. b sacrosanct. 3 (of writings etc.) embodying the laws or doctrines of a religion. Sacred College RC Ch. the body of cardinals. sacred cow colloq. an idea or institution unreasonably held to be above criticism (with ref. to the Hindus' respect for the cow as a holy animal). Sacred Heart RC Ch. the heart of Christ as an object of devotion. sacred number a number associated with religious symbolism, e.g. 7. sacredly adv. sacredness n.
[ ME, past part. of obs. sacre consecrate f. OF sacrer f. L sacrare f. sacer sacri holy ]