[sa.cred] adj [ME, fr. pp. of sacren to consecrate, fr. OF sacrer, fr. L sacrare, fr. sacr-, sacer sacred; akin to L sancire to make sacred, Hitt saklai- rite] (14c) 1 a: dedicated or set apart for the service or worship of a deity "a tree ~ to the gods" b: devoted exclusively to one service or use (as of a person or purpose) "a fund ~ to charity"
2. a: worthy of religious veneration: holy b: entitled to reverence and respect
3: of or relating to religion: not secular or profane "~ music"
4. archaic: accursed
5. a: unassailable, inviolable b: highly valued and important "a ~ responsibility" -- sa.cred.ly adv -- sa.cred.ness n