Meaning of SELF in English

n. & adj.

n. (pl. selves) 1 a person's or thing's own individuality or essence (showed his true self). 2 a person or thing as the object of introspection or reflexive action (the consciousness of self). 3 a one's own interests or pleasure (cares for nothing but self). b concentration on these (self is a bad guide to happiness). 4 Commerce or colloq. myself, yourself, himself, etc. (cheque drawn to self; ticket admitting self and friend). 5 used in phrases equivalent to myself, yourself, himself, etc. (his very self; your good selves). 6 (pl. selfs) a flower of uniform colour, or of the natural wild colour.

adj. 1 of the same colour as the rest or throughout. 2 (of a flower) of the natural wild colour. 3 (of colour) uniform, the same throughout. one's better self one's nobler impulses. one's former (or old) self oneself as one formerly was.

[ OE f. Gmc ]

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