v. & n.
v. 1 tr. & intr. make or become thoroughly wet through saturation with or in liquid. 2 tr. (of rain etc.) drench. 3 tr. (foll. by in, up) a absorb (liquid). b acquire (knowledge etc.) copiously. 4 refl. (often foll. by in) steep (oneself) in a subject of study etc. 5 intr. (foll. by in, into, through) (of liquid) make its way or penetrate by saturation. 6 tr. colloq. extract money from by an extortionate charge, taxation, etc. (soak the rich). 7 intr. colloq. drink persistently, booze. 8 tr. (as soaked adj.) very drunk.
n. 1 the act of soaking or the state of being soaked. 2 a drinking-bout. 3 colloq. a hard drinker. soakage n. soaker n. soaking n. & adj.
[ OE socian rel. to soc sucking at the breast, sucan SUCK ]