adj., n., & v.
adj. 1 of or concerned with words (made a verbal distinction). 2 oral, not written (gave a verbal statement). 3 Gram. of or in the nature of a verb (verbal inflections). 4 literal (a verbal translation). 5 talkative, articulate.
n. 1 Gram. a a verbal noun. b a word or words functioning as a verb. 2 sl. a verbal statement, esp. one made to the police. 3 sl. an insult; abuse (gave them the verbal). (verballed, verballing) Brit. sl. attribute a damaging statement to (a suspect). verbal noun Gram. a noun formed as an inflection of a verb and partly sharing its constructions (e.g. smoking in smoking is forbidden: see -ING(1)). verbally adv.
[ ME f. F verbal or LL verbalis (as VERB) ]