n. 25B6; noun
a stomach ache : PAIN, cramp, twinge, pang; gnawing, stabbing, stinging, smarting; soreness, tenderness, irritation, discomfort.
the ache in her heart : SORROW, sadness, misery, grief, anguish, suffering, pain, agony, torture, hurt.
25B6; verb
my legs were aching : HURT, be sore, be painful, be in pain, throb, pound, twinge; smart, burn, sting; informal give someone gyp; Brit. informal play up.
her heart ached for poor Philippa : GRIEVE, sorrow, be in distress, be miserable, be in anguish, bleed.
Marie ached for his affection : LONG, yearn, hunger, thirst, hanker, pine, itch; crave, desire.