n. 25B6; noun
the door slammed with a bang : THUD, thump, bump, crack, crash, smack, boom, clang, clap, knock, tap, clunk, clonk; stamp, stomp, clump, clomp; report, explosion, detonation; informal wham, whump, whomp.
a nasty bang on the head : BLOW, knock, thump, bump, hit, smack, crack; informal bash, whack, thwack.
25B6; verb
he banged the table with his fist : HIT, strike, beat, thump, hammer, knock, rap, pound, thud, punch, bump, smack, crack, slap, slam, welt, cuff, pummel, buffet; informal bash, whack, thwack, clobber, clout, clip, wallop, belt, biff, bop, sock, lam, whomp; Brit. informal slosh; N. Amer. informal boff, bust, slug, whale.
fireworks banged in the air : GO BANG, thud, thump, boom, clap, pound, crack, crash, explode, detonate, burst, blow up.
25B6; adverb (informal)
bang in the middle of town 007C; bang on time : PRECISELY, exactly, right, directly, immediately, squarely, dead; promptly, prompt, dead on, on the stroke of , on the dot of ; sharp, on the dot; informal smack, slap, slap bang, plumb; N. Amer. informal on the button, on the nose, smack dab, spang.
bang up to date : COMPLETELY, absolutely, totally, entirely, wholly, fully, thoroughly, in all respects, utterly, perfectly, quite, altogether, one hundred per cent.