n. 25B6; noun
the dealer's commission : PERCENTAGE, brokerage, share, portion, dividend, premium, fee, consideration, bonus; informal cut, take, rake-off, slice; Brit. informal whack, divvy.
the commission of building a palace : TASK, employment, job, project, mission, assignment, undertaking; duty, charge, responsibility.
items made under royal commission : WARRANT, licence, sanction, authority.
an independent commission : COMMITTEE, board, council, panel, directorate, delegation.
the commission of an offence : PERPETRATION, committing, committal, execution.
25B6; verb
he was commissioned to paint a portrait : ENGAGE, contract, charge, employ, hire, recruit, retain, appoint, enlist, co-opt, book, sign up.
they commissioned a sculpture : ORDER; authorize; formal bespeak.
25A0; in commission IN SERVICE, in use; working, functional, operative, up and running, in operation, in working order.
25A0; out of commission NOT IN SERVICE, not in use, unserviceable; not working, inoperative, out of order; down.