n. 25B6; noun . See list.
Computer Parts and Peripherals
accelerator board/card maths coprocessor
acoustic coupler memory
analogue to digital converter microprocessor
arithmetic and logic unit (ALU) minidisc
bar-code reader minitower
bubblejet printer modem
bubble memory monitor
buffer motherboard
bus mouse
cache memory mouse mat
card non-volatile memory
CD-ROM optical disk
CD-RW (read-write) disk/drive option card
central processing unit (CPU) plotter
chip port
console printed circuit
control unit printed circuit board (PCB)
coprocessor printer
digital to analogue converter processor
digitizer random-access memory (RAM)
DIMM (dual in-line memory module) raster image processor (RIP)
disk read-only memory (ROM)
disk drive register
diskette removable disk
dot-matrix printer scanner
drum scanner sequencer
DVD (digital videodisc) serial port
dynamic memory silicon chip
dynamic RAM (DRAM) SIMM (single in-line memory module)
erasable programmable ROM (EPROM) software
expansion card/board solid-state memory
fax modem sound card
firmware static RAM (SRAM)
fixed disk synchronous dynamic RAM (SDRAM)
flash memory tape streamer
floating-point unit (FPU) terminal
floppy disk TFT (thin film transistor) screen
graphics card touch pad
graphics pad touch screen
hard disk trackball
hard drive transistor
imagesetter video card
ink-jet printer visual display unit (VDU)
input-output device voice synthesizer
input-output port wand
joystick Winchester disk
keyboard Winchester disk drive
laser printer Zip disk (trademark)
light pen Zip drive (trademark)
line printer