Meaning of FABRIC in English

n. 25B6; noun

the finest silk fabric : CLOTH, material, textile, tissue. See list.

the fabric of the building : STRUCTURE, framework, frame, form, composition, construction, foundations.

Fabrics and Fibres

acetate lisle

Acrilan (trademark) loden

acrylic Lurex (trademark)

alpaca lustring

angora Lycra (trademark)

Antron (trademark) madras

Arnel (trademark) marocain

astrakhan marquisette

bafta Marseilles

baize matting

balbriggan Mechlin

barathea melton

barège merino

batiste microfibre

Bedford cord micromesh

bengaline Milanese silk

bobbinet modacrylic

bombazine mohair

Botany wool moiré

bobbin lace moleskin

bouclé moquette

brilliantine moreen

broadcloth mousseline

brocade Moygashel (trademark)

brocatelle mungo

brown holland muslin

buckram nainsook

bunting nankeen

burlap Naugahyde (US trademark)

butter muslin needlecord

byssus net

calamanco ninon

calico Nottingham lace

Cambrelle (trademark) nylon

cambric oakum

camel hair oilcloth

candlewick oiled silk

canvas oilskin

cashmere organdie

cavalry twill organza

challis organzine

chambray Orlon (trademark)

Chantilly lace osnaburg

charmeuse ottoman

cheesecloth Oxford cloth

chenille packthread

cheviot paduasoy

chiffon paisley

chinchilla panne velvet

chino paper taffeta

chintz parramatta

ciré pashmina

cloqué peau-de-soie

coconut matting percale

coir Persian silk

cord Pertex (trademark)

Cordura (trademark) petersham

corduroy phulkari

cotton pillow lace

crêpe pilot cloth

crêpe de Chine piqué

crépon plaid

cretonne plush

crewel plush velvet

Crimplene (trademark) point lace

crinoline polycotton

crushed velvet polyester

Cupro (trademark) pongee

Dacron (trademark) poplin

damask poult

denim prunella

devoré raffia

dimity ramie

doeskin rayon

Donegal tweed rep

drab ripstop

Dralon (trademark) rose-point

drill sackcloth

drugget sacking

duchesse lace sailcloth

duchesse satin samite

duffel sarsenet

dungaree sateen

dupion satin

elastane satinette

faille saxony

felt schappe

filoselle sea-island cotton

fishnet seersucker

flannel sendal

flannelette serge

flax shahtoosh

fleece shantung

flock sharkskin

floss silk sheer

foulard Shetland wool

frieze shoddy

fustian silk

gaberdine sisal

gauze slipper satin

georgette slub

gimp Spandex (trademark)

gingham spun silk

gossamer stammel

Gore-tex (trademark) stockinet

grasscloth stroud

grenadine suede

grogram Supplex (trademark)

grosgrain surah

gros point swansdown

guipure tabaret

gunny tabby

haircloth taffeta

Harris tweed (trademark) tailor's twist

hemp tapestry

herringbone tarlatan

hessian tarpaulin

hodden tattersall

holland tatting

Honiton lace Tencel (trademark)

hopsack terry

horsehair Terylene (Brit. trademark)

huckaback ticking

ikat tiffany

jaconet toile

jacquard toile de Jouy

jean torchon

jersey towelling

jute Trevira (trademark)

kalamkari Tricel (trademark)

karakul tricot

Kasha (trademark) Tricotine (US trademark)

kenaf tulle

Kendal Green tussore

kente tweed

kersey twill

kerseymere Utrecht velvet

khadi Valenciennes

khaki Velcro (trademark)

khanga velour

kikoi velvet

kincob velveteen

kitenge vicuña

lace viscose

lambswool Viyella (trademark)

lamé voile

lampas waxcloth

lawn webbing

leathercloth whipcord

leatherette (trademark) wild silk

leno wincey

Lincoln green winceyette

linen wool

linsey-woolsey worsted

lint zari

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