n. 25B6; noun
he sat down on the grass : TURF, sod; lawn, green. See list.
(informal) they smoked grass. : See cannabis .
(Brit. informal) few clubs were without a grass : INFORMER, mole, stool pigeon; informal snitch, snout, whistle-blower, rat; Brit. informal supergrass, nark; N. Amer. informal fink, stoolie.
25B6; verb
the hill is completely grassed : GRASS OVER, turf.
(Brit. informal) he grassed on the robbers : INFORM, tell; give away, betray, sell out; informal split, blow the whistle, rat, peach, squeal, do the dirty, stitch up, sell down the river; Brit. informal shop; N. Amer. informal finger; Austral./NZ informal dob, pimp.
Grasses, Sedges, and Rushes
bamboo meadow grass
barley melick
beach grass millet
beard grass milo
bent moor grass
Bermuda grass oat
bluegrass oat grass
bristle grass orchard grass
brome palmarosa
broomcorn pampas grass
buffalo grass panic grass
bulrush papyrus
bunch grass paspalum
button grass pearl millet
canary grass quack grass
carex quaking grass
cat's-tail grass quitch grass
cheat grass razor glass
China grass redtop
chufa reed
clubrush reed grass
cocksfoot reed mace
cogon rice
cordgrass rooigras
corn rush
cotton grass rye
couch grass ryegrass
crabgrass sawgrass
cutgrass sedge
cutting grass sheep's fescue
danthonia small-reed
darnel sorghum
deergrass sour grass
dogstail spartina
dropseed spear grass
durra spelt
elephant grass spinifex
esparto squirrel-tail grass
feather grass star grass
fescue sugar cane
finger grass switchgrass
fiorin sword grass
flowering rush teff
fog teosinte
foxtail timothy grass
gama grass tussock grass
hair grass twitch grass
hare's-tail grass umbrella plant
Indian corn vernal grass
Job's tears wheat
kangaroo grass wild oat
kikuyu grass wild rice
lemon grass wire grass
lyme grass witch grass
maize woodrush
marram grass Yorkshire fog
meadow fescue zoysia