n. 25B6; noun
a driving licence : PERMIT, certificate, document, documentation, authorization, warrant; certification, credentials; pass, papers.
teachers had licence to administer beatings : PERMISSION, authority, right, a free hand, leave, authorization, entitlement, privilege, prerogative; liberty, freedom, power.
they manufacture footwear under licence : FRANCHISE, permission, consent, sanction, warrant, warranty, charter.
the army have too much licence : FREEDOM, liberty, free rein, latitude, independence, scope, impunity, carte blanche.
poetic licence : DISREGARD FOR THE FACTS, inventiveness, invention, creativity, imagination, fancy, freedom, looseness.
the licence of the age : LICENTIOUSNESS, dissoluteness, dissipation, debauchery, immorality, impropriety, decadence, intemperateness, excess, excessiveness, lack of restraint.