n. 25B6; noun
the estate came into their possession : OWNERSHIP, control, hands, keeping, care, custody, charge, hold, title, guardianship.
her possession of the premises : OCCUPANCY, occupation, tenure, holding, tenancy.
she packed her possessions : BELONGINGS, things, property, (worldly) goods, (personal) effects, assets, chattels, movables, valuables; stuff, bits and pieces; luggage, baggage; informal gear, junk; Brit. informal clobber.
colonial possessions : COLONY, dependency, territory, holding, protectorate.
25A0; take possession of SEIZE, appropriate, impound, expropriate, sequestrate, sequester, confiscate; take, get, acquire, obtain, procure, possess oneself of, get hold of, get one's hands on; capture, commandeer, requisition; Law distrain; Scottish Law poind; informal get one's mitts on.