Synonyms and related words :
aberration, abnormality, accessories, acquest, acquire, acquisition, affluence, alienation, ally, aplomb, appointments, appurtenances, archduchy, archdukedom, assets, assurance, baggage, balance, bedevilment, belongings, bewitchery, bewitchment, body politic, bottomless purse, brain damage, brainsickness, buffer state, bulging purse, captivation, captive nation, capture, care, chattels, chieftaincy, chieftainry, city-state, claiming, clouded mind, colony, commonweal, commonwealth, complex, composure, compulsion, confidence, conquer, constraint, control, country, county, craziness, custody, daftness, dementedness, dementia, derangement, discipline, disorientation, distraction, domain, dominion, duchy, duds, dukedom, earldom, easy circumstances, effects, embarras de richesses, empery, empire, enchantment, entrancement, equability, equanimity, equilibrium, equipment, estate and effects, fascination, fixation, fixed idea, fixtures, folie, fortune, free city, furnishings, furniture, furor, gold, goods, grand duchy, guardianship, handsome fortune, hang-up, havings, hereditament, high income, high tax bracket, hold, holding, holdings, hypercathexis, idee fixe, illusion, impedimenta, incorporeal hereditament, independence, insaneness, insanity, irrationality, irresistible impulse, keeping, kingdom, land, lares and penates, level head, levelheadedness, loss of mind, loss of reason, lucre, lunacy, luxuriousness, madness, mammon, mandant, mandate, mandated territory, mandatee, mandatory, mania, material wealth, maya, mental deficiency, mental derangement, mental disease, mental disorder, mental disturbance, mental illness, mental instability, mental sickness, mind overthrown, mindsickness, money, money to burn, moneybags, monomania, morbid drive, movables, nation, nationality, obsession, obsessive compulsion, obtain, occupy, oddness, opulence, opulency, ownership, paraphernalia, pelf, pixilation, poise, polis, polity, possessions, possessorship, power, preoccupation, prepossession, presence of mind, principality, principate, properties, property, proprietary, proprietorship, prosperity, prosperousness, protection, protectorate, province, puppet government, puppet regime, queerness, rabidness, realm, reasonlessness, reception, repossess, republic, restraint, riches, richness, ruling passion, satellite, secure, seize, self-assurance, self-command, self-confidence, self-conquest, self-control, self-denial, self-discipline, self-government, self-mastery, self-possession, self-restraint, seneschalty, senselessness, settlement, shattered mind, sick mind, sickness, six-figure income, sovereign nation, spirit control, state, strangeness, substance, sultanate, superpower, take, taking, taking away, taking possession, tangibles, tenure, territory, theft, things, tic, title, toparchia, toparchy, trappings, treasure, tricks, unbalance, unbalanced mind, unsaneness, unsound mind, unsoundness, unsoundness of mind, upper bracket, wealth, wealthiness, well-regulated mind, win, witchery, witlessness