n. 25B6; verb
four newspapers are printed in the town : SET IN PRINT, send to press, run off, reprint.
patterns were printed on the cloth : IMPRINT, impress, stamp, mark.
they printed 30,000 copies : PUBLISH, issue, release, circulate.
the incident is printed on her memory : REGISTER, record, impress, imprint, engrave, etch, stamp, mark.
25B6; noun
small print : TYPE, printing, letters, lettering, characters, type size, typeface, font.
prints of his left hand : IMPRESSION, fingerprint, footprint.
sporting prints : PICTURE, design, engraving, etching, lithograph, linocut, woodcut.
prints and negatives : PHOTOGRAPH, photo, snap, snapshot, picture, still; Brit. enprint.
soft floral prints : PRINTED CLOTH/FABRIC, patterned cloth/fabric, chintz.
25A0; in print PUBLISHED, printed, available in bookshops.
25A0; out of print NO LONGER AVAILABLE, unavailable, unobtainable.